Built in cooperation with leading publishers for publishers worldwide to achieve AdTech stack optimisation. Taking all the crucial advantages of Prebid.js, Open Bidding (Google) and Amazon Publisher Services, solving the issues and struggles they have.
What’s best, adELA can run next to any other solution and easily implement in current programmatic setup, simplifying A/B testing and evaluation of its technical and financial gains.
Crypto currency algo trading and intraday trading based on state-of-the-art machine learning models and neural networks. Short and long term strategies up to investor preferences, both significantly outperforming all indexes and crypto trading funds.
Private alternative fund is registered in the List of entities providing services comparable to investment fund management according to Section 15 of the Act. No. 240/2013 Coll., on Investment Companies and Investment funds („ZISIF”) which is maintained by the Czech National Bank („CNB”). CNB does not supervise neither the company nor its activities.